Imagine, you have a great product and you wanted to share it with the masses?

Would you be interested in sharing it to the next city or even another state? Ok… Wait. We are here to help you. All you need is a website to market the product. And if you already have a website to sell the amazing products, then the next thing that you need is an Internet merchant account!

Because there are so many providers out there in the market offering mobile processing, the hard part is choosing the right one for your business. Here are some key things to think about when choosing the right provider:

1. Is customer service important to you?

Many mobile payment providers have very limited customer service available, should you have any kind of an issue or problem getting your deposits.

2. Is scalability important?

Often times, small businesses start out only accepting mobile payments. A dream for many small business owner's is turning their mobile side business into a full-time store front or Online store. Be sure, as your business grows, your payment processing company can grow with you! Don't worry, payWise Technologies has you covered.

3. Rates, fees, and overall cost?

Unless you are the black sheep, cost is likely important to you. Over the last few years, flat rate pricing has become very popular, and due to its simplicity, it is attractive to many small business owners. The problem is simple pricing does not necessarily mean it’s a good deal. If you have a very small business, or something you are just doing on the side, and grossing a few hundred dollars per month, the flat rate price model is fine. However if you have an existing business or plan to grow a new one, you will want to find a provider offering cost plus pricing so you can be setup like the big boys and not pay an arm and a leg to receive your money.

Why is payWise Technologies the right mobile solution for your business:

Whether your company does $1000 per month in processing volume or $10,000 per day in processing volume, your business still receives the same Red Carpet Experience! Each of our clients are assigned two dedicated account managers and 24/7 technical support. Unlike many other providers, we have the solutions you will need to scale your business in any direction you see fit. Whether it is an online store or a brick and mortar retail location, payWise Technologies has you covered. We provide all of our customers the same Lifetime Service Guarantee, which includes our commitment to providing you with the lowest cost processing solutions for the life of your business including, a Meet or Beat Price Match Guarantee!